• happyAre constantly changing up their world, trying new things, developing new hobbies, taking new risks, have diversified interests
  • Follow their own bent and are not beholden to approval from others; they never offend, and their self- worth is not contingent upon being liked by others
  • Understand that TRUE wealth is not money, but instead having discretionary time for their loved ones, friends and whatever else is important to them outside of the work world
  • Routinely remove the “clutter” and “noise” from their lives by taking some time for tranquility
  • Organize themselves physically and mentally; don’t over schedule themselves, don’t rely on crossing off items on a “to-do” list to feel a sense of accomplishment
  • Understand that being organized = more control = more power = more success, the consummate recipe for achieving self -mastery
  • Realize that money can indeed be a conduit to happiness but won’t ensure it
  • Keep their friends, family, trusted mentors and colleagues close, and their detractors at a distance
  • Appreciate the immeasurable power of giving to worthy individuals, causes or organizations to be the greatest esteem booster of all time
  • Never apologize or feel guilty about the fees they charge for their services and will turn away business as a result
  • Understand that they’re in business to provide value and that the only thing that matters is to improve their client’s position
  • Deliver impeccable customer service, return all phone calls, inquiries and e-mails within a day – barring unforeseen circumstances
  • See the opportunity in risk, not the risk in opportunity
  • View happiness as something they’ve got to work at and not just wish will happen
  • Simplify their lives, don’t engage in “paralysis by analysis,” take away positives from every negative circumstance, don’t dwell on failures, and change faulty courses of action quickly and move on