Risk Factors For The Development of PTSD in Children

There are three (3) risk factors that have demonstrated the likelihood that children will develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: The severity of the traumatic event. Parental reaction to the traumatic event. Physical proximity to the traumatic event. As a general rule, most studies that have examined the risk factors associated with PTSD emergence in children find that children and adolescents reporting experiences with severe trauma also report the greatest levels of PTSD- related symptoms. The extent of family support as [...]


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Controversy

Post Traumatic stress disorder has stirred up a rather frothy debate over the last few years, especially around the definition of the traumatic event that precipitates the symptoms. It is by no means controversial that extremely traumatic events (combat veterans experiencing the perils of war, physical abuse, sexual abuse, natural disasters) should qualify as criterion, but what about purely psychosocial events without some type of physical injury? In DSM IV, an individual is not required to have directly experienced the [...]



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