
We’ve Survived So Far; We’ll Survive The Rest

No clinical article for December, instead I'd like to speak to the issue of resilience. For the majority of 2020, we've been in the clutches of a major pandemic, for which there has been no easy answers, where science often seemed befuddled, and predictions were all over the place and often abysmally inaccurate. We've postponed or canceled weddings, birthday parties, family reunions, holiday celebrations and even funerals. We've had to face the anguish of not being able to tend to [...]


Instead Of A New Year’s Resolution, How About A New Year’s Gift?

Want to give yourself a gift to get 2021 off to a good start? Choose a fear that's been dogging you, and devote some time to vanquishing it. Seek help if warranted. Fears are notorious for masking talent, impeding progress, and are the worst energy suckers ever! Have a candid face-to-face with what scares you, and do a dive into its underlying cause. Conquering a fear is one of the most liberating accomplishments we can experience.



Optimism isn’t about a false sense of assurance that an endeavor, a project you’re working on, or a relationship, for example, will work out. Optimism is about making a choice to go ahead with something – whereby you’ll be putting your best foot forward to achieve your desired outcome. Optimism is generated by way of work and planning, fueling the positive mindset that success is not only a possibility, but is likely. Optimism too, is about outlook, and whenever our [...]


Rather Suddenly, Everything Seems Upside Down

Because of the current pandemic circumstances gripping every area of our country from coast to coast, I decided not to send out my customary clinical articles this month. Instead, I prefer to offer this: To all of you -- my friends, colleagues, clients, acquaintances, newsletter followers -- no matter how you know me or where you are, I wish to extend my heartfelt and best wishes for your health and safety during these challenging times. It is my sincere hope [...]



Right now, in our pockets or purses is a device with a name or a logo on it where you’ll find an alert, breaking news, or a text just waiting for your attention, as long as the battery lasts. Unless…we choose to redefine whatever our mission is and concentrate on it right now, as the thing we’ve chosen to do.


I Didn’t Ask You

People are often prone to offering us unsolicited feedback. A good reason to not accept it is because you didn’t ask for it in the first place. Such feedback always acts to benefit the sender, not the recipient. Listen to it if you choose, but do reserve your right to discard it afterward.


Making Your Day…Or Not

A pleasant thing happening to you can certainly make your day, but an unpleasant occurrence doesn’t have to ruin your day. Don’t fuel an undesirable circumstance by heaping unnecessary negativity upon it; rather, gain perspective by reminding yourself that you’ve overcome many similar situations before and turned them around in your favor. Top it off by writing down something that brought you joy or pleasure that day. Keep it to one sentence. That shouldn’t be hard because no single day [...]



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