As in much of the country, October in New Orleans is a transitional weather month. There are still some rather warm days though when swimming is still possible. On one such day last week as I was sitting poolside in the courtyard of my building, I observed a number of swimmers testing the waters. Some of them dived right in while others dipped in a toe and adjusted to the water temperature more slowly. At least half of the “plungers” quickly exited the pool while making the very audible comment, “the water is just too cold,” while all of the “waders” stayed in.

start_smallWhatever venture or endeavor you’ve committed yourself to, start with conviction for sure, but hold off on the alluring temptation to make a big splash. That rarely happens. Concentrate instead on generating ripples at first. Then, as you better refine the vision for your project, as well as polish and buff your goals, you’ve done something, and your resolve grows. Now… build out the reach of the ripples and turn them into waves.

Launching big into something is sexier than starting small, for sure. But big often breeds abandon, while small steers success.