When something unexpectedly unpleasant happens, or even if you have evidence that something undesirable will befall you, search within yourself for the best possible interpretation of that event or circumstance.

tough_timesDepending on the gravity of what happened, initial shock or disbelief is normal, expected and warranted. But from that point forward, languishing is a way to continue punishing yourself.

None of us get out of this life unscathed, we’ll all pay the piper in one way or another. We’re here to adapt, adjust and acclimate to our circumstances, and the best way to monitor the validity and reasonableness of your thinking and behavior is to share your situation with a trusted friend, mentor or advisor with active listening skills and a willingness to give you feedback.

During tough times, you need living, breathing support to challenge faulty conclusions which are keeping you stuck – not social media or other technology distractions.

Silver linings in the darkest of clouds are there, the challenge is hanging in there long enough to find them. When you do come to terms and accept them, you’ll emerge more self-assured, and battle-tested – the essence of self-mastery.