Resolving fear doesn’t have to be a convoluted process, and the gravity of the fear in terms of the adverse effect it is having on you requires the same steps if it is to be resolved successfully. Employ these 3 steps consistently, and you’ll be able to put practically any fear behind you:


  1. fear_of_spekingIdentify a fear and write it out on a post-it note. Let’s say you fear delivering an upcoming speech or talk to a group of peers. Just write on the note for example, “I fear how this talk will go and the reaction of my colleagues.” Then take the note and affix it to some visible surface that is right before you every day.


  1. Examine the underlying causes for this fear, “I’ve never addressed a group of this size before,” I’m inexperienced at this and my anxiety will be visible,” I’ll fumble over words and make a fool of myself.” Write the causes on another post-it note and place it directly under the note that identifies the fear.


  1. Ask yourself: “How am I going to effectively deal with this?” “What options are available to me to best ensure that my talk will go well and be well received?” No need for an additional note here, just decide on the action(s) you will employ. “I’ll consult with someone I’m aware of who does a lot of speaking work and seek guidance and coaching.”

Seek to eliminate one fear per week utilizing this process. It’s possible that there are monsters under the bed or in the closet, but it’s rare that they are as big and ominous as we make them out to be.