Frequently asked questions

I Get Questions… Many Questions

Q. I am seeing a 40 year man with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  Also describes self as an introvert.  He is in the Technology field and in a leadership role which he does not like.   There are many issues to be addressed, but was wanting to know your thoughts on any medications like Buspar that could help. He did try Lexapro several years ago, but did not like so discontinued.  I have referred him to a psychiatrist. Are there better anti-depressant meds [...]


12 Tips For Finding A Suitable Therapist

I do a considerable amount of medication consultation, and one of the most often asked questions in these sessions is how to go about finding a therapist. Although there are numerous pursuable paths toward locating a psychotherapist or counselor, the more important issue is “goodness of fit,” simply, is this someone you can work with. The search can begin by just merely asking around. Start by asking friends or work colleagues if they’ve ever worked with a counselor; go online [...]


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is bipolar disorder more difficult to diagnose in children than it is in adults? A. My answer to this question is YES. Bipolar Disorder is very hard to diagnose in children because childhood onset presentations differ a bit from what would typically be seen in adults. The salient features of childhood onset BPD are: Frequent, short periods of intense mood changes accompanied by demonstrable irritability and pronounced agitation Daily mood cycling is more common in children, less common in [...]


Frequently Asked Questions

In my next few blogs, I will provide answers to the most frequently asked questions fielded from conferences, seminars, e-mail and telephone contact. So if you’ve wondered about the answers to these questions or have encountered them in your work with clients, please read on! I’m delighted to be of service in this capacity. Q. How long does it take for Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor and Wellbutrin to take effect? A. At least 50 percent of those who will eventually respond [...]



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