ADHD: Get a Good History and Ask About Benign Signs

Obtaining an accurate history is absolutely essential to isolating ADHD as a diagnosis because co-occurring disorders are the rule rather than the exception when it comes to assessing mental disorders in youth. Also, every mental disorder on the planet adversely affects attention in some manner. With children, it’s essential to ascertain what sort of difficulties he or she is having in school. Also, ask about certain benign signs that are often indicative of ADHD – such as frequent loss of [...]


Consider the Possibility of ADHD in Your Child If…

It is obvious that in multiple milieu (school, play, home) it appears impossible for your child to sit and focus without becoming easily distracted and inattentive within even just a few minutes The child has much difficulty following directions, and playing by the rules – for example, when “quiet play” is required The child is shunned and possibly is being treated like a pariah by teachers, peers and even family members because he or she is so difficult to be [...]


Quillivant XR

Quillivant XR establishes itself as the first, once-daily, extended-release formulation of liquid methylphenidate for ADHD. In simple terms this is a long-acting liquid Ritalin. I like this product and believe that it will serve its users well for these reasons: […]


ADHD – Why Parents Shouldn’t Buy In at First

Eight-year-old Megan’s mother called me last week. The purpose of her call was to set up a consultation whereby I would offer medication options for Megan’s “ADHD.” I wasn’t asked to assess the child for ADHD – Julie, Megan’s mother, merely wanted to discuss the range of drug options and which one(s) would be most suitable for her daughter. […]


Latest News about ADD/ADHD

- ADD/ADHD is not being over-diagnosed. In fact, 50 percent of children that would meet diagnostic criteria for the disorder are NEVER diagnosed and will struggle with distractibility and inattention throughout their entire lives. - The most important telltale sign that a child may benefit from medication is when the child no longer feels accepted by peers, at school, or even at home. Social and academic impairment are important markers to take into consideration. In fact the American Academy of [...]


The Benefits vs. the Risks of ADHD Drug “Holidays”

The issue of drug "holidays" – a short-term, deliberate discontinuation of ADHD medication – is also known as a structured treatment intervention. These so-called "holidays" can take place over a weekend, a full week or an extended school vacation. There is no definitive conclusion as to the benefits or drawbacks to drug holidays. Some prescribers maintain that because ADHD is a chronic disorder, suspending treatment is not in the patient's best interest. But for parents that are concerned about "over-drugging" [...]



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